Moving to Canada

With the race for the presidency hurdling toward what seems to be the inevitable train wreck of Trump vs. Clinton, it seems like a lot of folks are losing their minds. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m no fan of either candidate. I’ve pretty much decided that if I do vote this time around, it will be a write in that actually reflects my views and values. That being said, the winner of the general election in November will in no way change my outlook on life. I will not be moving out of the country, nor will I be living in fear and frustration here at home. I sincerely believe that even with the ridiculous candidates we have this year, the presidential election is not something that is worth stressing about. Nor is it worth alienating friends over by using it to promote my personal views. It’s just an election.

As I say this I want you to know that I’m not taking my freedom lightly. I am not downplaying the importance of the person holding the most powerful office in the country. I am certainly not advocating for people to disengage from the process or fail to pay attention to current events. As a Christian, I strongly believe in staying informed and being involved in the culture in which I live. But in part, it is also my faith which allows me to stay sane in the current political climate. Here are some reasons why I don’t think it’s helpful to respond to the election mess with stress, anger, or fear.

God Is Still God

Here is a question specifically directed at my fellow Christians: If (insert your least favorite candidate here) gets elected, do you still believe that God is in control? 

The Bible is very clear that we serve a sovereign God who rules the universe. Nothing takes him by surprise. It is also very specific in its teaching that all authority figures operate because God allows them to. Romans 13:1 clearly states, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” This includes political rulers. Let’s not forget that the book of Romans was written to Christians in, you guessed it, Rome. Emperor Nero was in charge at the time and had a nasty habit of killing Christians in ultra violent ways. If the Bible says that even a man like Nero was placed in his position by God, what do we have to worry about?

I will be the first to admit that I frequently don’t understand why God allows certain people to obtain positions of authority. But I have to believe that he is looking at things on a far grander scope than I could ever imagine. The Christian church ended up spreading like wildfire in the time of Nero, and one of the most quoted books of the Bible was written during that time.

In the words of a song from one of my favorite musicians, “God is God and I am not. I can only see a part of the picture he’s painting. God is God and I am man, so I’ll never understand it all. For only God is God.”* He knows what he is doing, and whether they know it or not, the leaders of the world are simply playing their part in his plan.

If God has been in control throughout all of history, why should I worry about a single presidential election? No matter who wins, God will be the one who allows the victory. He will use the next president to accomplish things for his glory that I may never understand or know about. Understanding this takes a lot of pressure off and gives me peace at a time when I don’t see any options that I like.

We’ve Got it Good

It seems like during every election there are folks who threaten to move out of the country if a particular candidate wins. “I’m moving to Canada,” is one of the most common cries of disgruntled voters who think they might not get their way. That certainly hasn’t changed this time around. In fact, the caliber of the candidates is probably to blame for the fact I’ve heard this more than ever lately!

I know that such statements are a knee jerk reaction, and I even understand the sentiment. However, this type of thinking can distract us from the fact that here in the United States, we’ve got it good! I’ve been blessed to be able to go on several missions trips to a handful of foreign countries and I can tell you from personal experience that there are many people who would give up everything they have for a chance to come here!

Whether it was the families living in squalor in the Ukraine left jobless and hopeless by the fall of the Soviet Union or the parents in the Dominican Republic who offered to send their children home with us; much of the world still looks at our nation as a beacon of hope and freedom. The recent refugee crisis highlighted this once again, as families sought to escape the terrorism and violence in their home country.

How crazy must it sound to someone without freedom and basic human necessities to hear an American to say they are going to move away because they don’t like a political leader? In many nations across the world, speaking out in a negative way about the government means prison and even death! There are no government assistance programs for those who need help in these countries, nor are there many opportunities to better oneself and seek a brighter future.

Before we throw a fit and decide that we don’t want to live in this country anymore, we do well to consider the millions of people around the world who would literally die for the choices and opportunities we take for granted every day.

Four Years Later…

No matter what happens, we will all do this again in four years time. I’m as frustrated as anyone about the choice I am presented with at this moment, but it’s not my last chance. Lord willing, in 2020 we will start the process all over again. The president will be be trying to keep the position. Their opponent will be busy telling us all how that person has failed in office and how we can’t afford “four more years” of the same.

Our political system is set up with checks and balances for a reason. The term of the presidency is one such limit. Whether Trump or Clinton win the day has no bearing on the length of time that they are allowed in the White House. You will have the opportunity to vote for or against a continuation of the incumbent in four years. If you like the work they have done at that point, great! If not, you have the option to throw your support behind someone that you believe can unseat them.

In other words it’s not the end of the world, and it’s not the end of  America. Presidents tend to have a consistent turnover rate.

In conclusion, I guess what I’m trying to say is that we all need to chill out a bit. It’s great to participate in your democracy and make sure your voice is heard, but there is a difference between that and being an alarmist. Life will go on after November. God will still be on his throne. You will still live in a country in which you have the freedom to read these thoughts, and post your own should you disagree.

The world is not ending. Don’t listen to those who would use fear and anger to divide us. We still live in a a great country and we are all in this together!


* “God is God,” by Steven Curtis Chapman


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